This year students will continue language learning as they explore the globe! We will study world geography and how to research countries and its peoples. Students will be selecting one country of choice through which they will be presenting on throughout the year.
March- April 2020: Students are beginning a BASIC Spanish 1 High School prep. We will take the next 6-8 weeks to review all vocabulary, verbs and other grammar that the local high schools use as a prep for challenging the Spanish 1 entrance test.
Students will have regular weekly quizzes of verbs below.
-AR, -ER, -IR ending verbs (see attached packet)
Download slide presentation for notes, videos, due dates and verb conjugations

VERBOS: -ar, -er, -ir ending |
Presentation/Project organizers and task rubrics
Posted here as necessary
Language Acquisition Criterion
Criterion A Comprehending spoken and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion B Comprehending written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion C Communicating in response to spoken and/or written and/or visual text Maximum 8 Criterion D Using language in spoken and/or written form Maximum 8 |
25% Participation and class work 75% Assessments: Formatives (quizzes) and Summative (end of unit exam and projects/presentations) Daily Work: Students are expected to participate and collaborate daily. This will reflect on their grading for up to 20 points weekly. Students are expected to turn in their assignments on the due date. Late work will be accepted at 80% the day after, and up to 60% by end of the unit. Sick day work/homework will be granted one day extra per absent days. Students may make corrections for quizzes up to 80%. Assessment retakes may be offered at teacher discretion up to 100% if student shows the required steps detailed by the teacher to show mastery of assessment Please contact me for special circumstances. |