7th Grade
This year students will continue language learning as they explore the Spanish Speaking Countries of our world! We will study the locations and cultures of these countries as we develop our Spanish speaking skills. Students will be selecting Spanish speaking countries and developing travel presentations, festival presentations and a food/shopping presentations. ¡Qué rico! Classwork: In the months March and April, students will learn about the restaurant and the supermarket with Mexico as the focal country. Students will be reading about the restaurant and simple recipes in our Sombrero Time curriculum. They will have a reading comprehension test as well as continue to have regular weekly quizzes of verbs below. VERBS: Pedir (to ask, to ask for) Comprar (to buy) Costar (cost/how much) Slides/Notes: Download slide presentation below for notes, videos, due dates and verb conjugation charts: |
Current IB Unit:
CULTURAL TRADITIONS & FESTIVALS 8 weeks Statement of Inquiry: Meaning and accent are influenced by culture. Cultura influye sentido y acento. Key Concepts: Culture Related Concepts: Meaning and Accent Approaches to Learning: Communication Skills and Organization Skills. Inquiry Questions: Factual: What is meaning? What is accent? Conceptual: How does culture influence meaning and accent? Debatable: To what extent do meaning and accent influence culture? |

7º_mexico__el_restaurante_y_el_mercado.pdf |
Presentation/Project organizers and task rubrics:
Language Acquisition Criterion
Criterion A Comprehending spoken and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion B Comprehending written and visual text Maximum 8 Criterion C Communicating in response to spoken and/or written and/or visual text Maximum 8 Criterion D Using language in spoken and/or written form Maximum 8 |
25% Participation and class work 75% Assessments: Formatives (quizzes) and Summative (end of unit exam and projects/presentations) Daily Work: Students are expected to participate and collaborate daily. This will reflect on their grading for up to 20 points weekly. Students are expected to turn in their assignments on the due date. Late work will be accepted at 80% the day after, and up to 60% by end of the unit. Sick day work/homework will be granted one day extra per absent days. Students may make corrections for quizzes up to 80%. Assessment retakes may be offered at teacher discretion up to 100% if student shows the required steps detailed by the teacher to show mastery of assessment Please contact me for special circumstances. |